What is a shampoo bar?
Think of a shampoo bar as a solid form of shampoo and conditioner in one. Since it is super concentrated, it will last a long time if drained well between uses. Shampoo bars contain all natural ingredients and contain nothing like the sulfates, silicone and preservatives used in liquid shampoo and conditioner.
Becky’s Buckeye Natural makes two formulas – Apple Cider Vinegar for dry, frizzy or coarse hair, and Beer for normal, fine, or oily hair.
Why use a shampoo bar?
Because it is super concentrated, it can save you money in the long run. Did you know that liquid shampoos and conditioners contain over half water? So, half of what you pay for in a bottle of shampoo is water. Shampoo bars packaged in boxes are more environmentally friendly than liquid shampoo in plastic bottles. Boxes are made of a renewable resource (trees) and plastic bottles are made of a nonrenewable resource (crude oil).
Wet hair. Apply shampoo by rubbing bar directly on your hair, or rubbing the bar in your hands and then in hair. Work shampoo from scalp to ends. Massage until a good lather forms, then rinse. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. Like all natural homemade soap it will sting your eyes.
Use your shampoo bar for two weeks. In that time, your hair is releasing the buildup of synthetic chemicals trapped in the cuticle of your hair, and replacing it with the natural oils in the shampoo bar. Your hair might feel different during these two weeks – maybe dry one day, oily the next or may feel like it has a coating on it. This is normal as the silicones are leaving the cuticle and are replaced with natural oils and is normal if you have hard water. If you feel a coating on your hair, use a clarifying rinse made of one tablespoon vinegar to 4 tablespoons water. After two weeks, your hair should be adjusted to the shampoo bar.
Disclaimer: The Beer Shampoo Bar contains hemp seed oil. No CBD or THC is included in the Beer Shampoo Bar composition. Hemp seed oil does not contain CBD or THC. External use only, cannot be ingested.
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